Times Tables Check Information
From the 2019/2020 academic year, children must take the times tables check at the end of Year 4, in June. The assessment will test the children on their times tables up to and including 12 x 12.
There will be 25 questions, each worth one mark. The children will have 6 seconds to give an answer; the 6 seconds starts as soon as the question appears on the screen. Once the question is answered, there will be a 3 second pause before the next question appears. For more information please click here and here.
How to help at home
To help children pass the times tables check it is vital that children are practising their times tables on a daily basis. This can be done through Times Tables Rockstars - 'Soundcheck' is the setting that is equivalent to how the times tables check will be given.
If your child has forgotten their username and password, please speak to Mrs Elliott.