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Autumn Term 2

Our finished electrical quiz games. Match the question to the correct answer and the bulb lights up!

Barn Owls enjoyed their Christmas Lunch and wearing their Christmas jumpers.

For Trinity 20 we enjoyed playing Christmas Bingo and making Christmas Board Games with our adult visitors.

We have been making electric circuits in science. We have experimented with adding lights, buzzers and switches.

Starting to make our games in DT which will use electrical circuits to make them work. Will you be able to answer the questions correctly?

Wearing spotty/stripy clothes or cosy pyjamas for Children in Need

'Showing Respect' Week

Acting out stories of the prophet Muhammad in RE.

Painting and adding the seven continents to our globes.

Starting to make our own globes as part of our Geography topic - Where on Earth are we?

Adding poppies to the school display for Remembrance Day.

Our E-Safety work for this half term.

Enjoying using our Storm break programme. We use discussion and a range of movement breaks around the concepts of Resilience, Relationships, Self-Care, Hope & Optimism, and Self-Worth.
