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Whole School Curriculum Statement

Trinity Curriculum Statement

At Trinity CEVAP, we believe that lives can be transformed by what goes on in our school. The precious moments spent with each other, not just in the classroom but throughout all our teaching and learning activities, the interactions between professionals, children and their families can shape futures like nothing else. We aim to provide as many possibilities for our pupils and then to support them and the whole school community in becoming our very best.


 Here, every child is valued as an individual and their achievements are celebrated. Our curriculum is designed to capture the interests and imaginations of our pupils, ensuring that they develop the skills and knowledge required to become passionate lifelong learners. We believe that every child should be able to express their thoughts, test their ideas and knowledge and be confident to make and learn from mistakes - seeing this as an essential part of any learning journey.


Purposeful enrichment of visits and activities designed to enhance vocabulary, build curiosity, awe and wonder about our world and are an essential part of our curriculum - developing in each child an enjoyment of and enthusiasm for learning, fostering lively creative and enquiring minds; providing them with the skills and knowledge which will prepare them for successful lives in the ever changing world in which we live – so they experience “life in all its fullness”. 

Education influences and reflects the values of society and the kind of society we want it to be. It is important therefore, to recognise our Christian values and purposes that underpin the curriculum at Trinity, We are kind, we welcome all others and we take care of God's creation, believing that "Nothing is impossible with God" Lk 1:37.


Through our three Key Strands - Our Wonderful World, Powerful Past and Marvellous Me, we ensure that our curriculum is wide, varied and interesting, enabling children to make connections between a wide range of topics and information so they continually revisit and build upon and strengthen their knowledge, understanding and skills moving forward to become their very best.


Implementation - How are we going to achieve our intent?

Implementation is about how the shared curriculum intent is embedded across the school and how the curriculum is then taught. All subject leads and staff ensure that the curriculum is founded on the sequencing of knowledge, skills, concepts and understanding.


In every subject there are progression of skills documents, which sequence key knowledge, skills and vocabulary from EYFS to Year 6. Our Assessment system highlights what key knowledge and skills should be taught and assessed and vocabulary documents highlight subject specific terminology. All these ensure that staff understand where learning is coming from and going to, therefore ensuring that new learning is built on to existing understanding, knowledge and skills.


Knowledge organisers support children in both their learning and their recall of previous learning, helping them to piece information together, identifying and weaving interlinked golden threads throughout the curriculum – Wonderful World, Powerful Past and Marvellous Me.


Subject leads have additional release time to monitor teaching and learning. Subject Governors visit throughout the year to review their subjects and the school’s quality of education.


The effectiveness of our implementation is identified by SLT, Staff and Governors meeting to carryout activities such as Pupil Perception, Staff Perception, Book scrutinies, Marking scrutinies, Pupil learning and progress checks and Learning Walks.


This work informs us of the impact of our curriculum, enabling us to ensure that learning never stands still.



Impact - What will it look like when we have achieved out intent?


Although there are many ways we can show impact, the best is probably to come and visit our classrooms and to talk to our children. Their behaviour and quest for learning is infectious, their kindness towards each other and their stewardship of our environment excellent.

Our results we feel speak for themselves, not just in academic terms but in the happiness of our school, the development of our pupils and their readiness for the next stage of their lives. Here our pupils show us “That nothing is impossible with God”.
