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Sparrow Hawk

In DT, we followed a recipe carefully to make Leek and Potato soup. We peeled and chopped the vegetables, added some stock and simmered it. After the mixture was blended, we added some cream and simmered it again for a few minutes before serving it. The majority of the class enjoyed the soup and had second and third helpings. As you will see from the photographs, there were also a few who tried it but decided it definitely wasn't for them.

In computing, we have been learning about ways to send messages using semaphore. See if you can decode our message using the semaphore alphabet below.

In our DT lessons, we are learning to sew in preparation for our Make Do and Mend project. We have learnt how to do the running stitch and how to sew on a button so far. 

During one of our nature breaks, we decided to be 'at one with nature' or 'become nature.' We thoroughly enjoyed this and could be heard saying, 'I am the wind' or 'I am at one with the grass.' There was also quite a bit of tree hugging. Everyone was smiling and felt much better after spending some time appreciating nature. What wonderful School grounds we have!
