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Pupil Voice

  • “I like it when we make things.”
  • “I like it when our parents come in to see us.”
  • “We get to go into different parts of the school.  I went in the field in bare feet – it felt funny on my toes.”
  • “Our parents can help us with what we are doing.”
  • “I like it just because my mum comes in.”
  • “It doesn’t matter if my mum can’t come in, I still get to see my friends and have fun!”
  • “I love Trinity 20!”
  • “It is great because we get to make lots of stuff and last time we made cave paintings - that was a lot of fun.  They are in the corridor.”
  • “We get to do fun things because our parents come and we can show our learning and our Trinity 20 books.   We really enjoyed sewing.  I loved making the air raid shelter, we made them really big and comfy.  We kept them for the whole week.  It would have been good if it was wet play all week and then we could play in the air raid shelter all week.”
  •  “The air raid shelter was all cramped and it would have been when people went into them during the war.”
  • “It uses your creativity.”
  • “It was really good trying WW11 food and that linked to one of our Trinity 20 tasks to host a tea party.  We also learned to knit.” 
  • “You can show our parents around – even your parents can learn from the activities.”
  • “It’s fun because you get to do a variety of things, which makes it fun.”