Please click the Home School Values link below to see how you can support and reinforce our teachings and values at home with your child(ren):
‘A Samaritan took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds. Then he put the man on is donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him.’
Service at Trinity CEVAP
Using our talents to serve others.
During a collective worship introducing Service, the children were invited to think about their own talents and how they could use them to serve others. An empty glass jar was placed in the hall with a tray of cubes next to it. Everyone (children and adults) was asked to add a cube to the jar when they saw somebody serving someone else.
Clearly, we are very good at serving each other at Trinity CEVA because the glass jar has been overflowing with cubes a several occasions so we had to empty it and start again. Here are some of the types of service we noticed each other doing:
'The dinner ladies serve us our food.'
'Mrs TW always helps us in the lunch hall. She works really hard.'
'My friend helped me when I was stuck with Maths today.'
'Someone in my class made me smile today when I was feeling sad.'
'My teacher helps us all the time to understand new things. I learn a lot.'
'My Mum looks after me and makes sure I have good, healthy dinners.'
'My football coach taught me how to kick the ball accurately.'
Throughout the half term, we have been adding to our Collective Worship displays. We listened to the story 'Jugs and Jars' during one collective worship then followed this up in our class based worship by filling a jug with examples of when people have served us and filled a jar with examples of when we have served others. See photographs of our displays below:
Worship Team lead collective worship.
The Worship Team planned and organised an 'open the book' style collective worship where they acted out and shared the story of the Last Supper. This was when Jesus washed his disciples' feet. Although Jesus was God in human form, he had chosen not to show his power and authority in the way most people expected. Instead he showed that power through behaving like a servant. Through serving his disciples in this way, Jesus was showing them how to love each other and what the Kingdom of God was like – a place of love and service, not oppression and hate.
‘Love one another.’ This is the commandment for all followers of Jesus ever since and it is their task to work out how to show love in the various situations and challenges they meet.