Our Collective Worship is based on Roots and Fruits/ Values for Life and Jack in the Box programmes by Imaginor publishing. As an Anglican School, we celebrate major Church Festivals such as Harvest, Christmas, The Epiphany and Easter, and children learn the significance of these in the Church calendar and teachings.
Collective worship occurs each morning and gives the children a chance to
explore Christian themes, and through these gain further understanding of other world views and faiths, reflecting upon what these mean to them personally as well as to others. At Trinity, children lead the prayer and reflection element of worship and have the opportunity to take part in acting out stories and situations. We share the Collective Worship theme with our parents through Newsletters and through a Collective Worship sheet sent home each half term so parents can support and reinforce our teachings and values.
Every other week the ‘Open the Book’ Team from St Mary’s and St Peter’s Church in Stowmarket come to the school to lead Collective worship and to act out one of the stories from the Bible with the children participating - their visits are hugely popular.
Parents are invited to attend Class led Worship - a celebration of learning - every term.
At the end of each term we hold a service at our local church to which parents are warmly invited. We also visit places of worship of other faiths and welcome visitors from other faiths into the school to participate in acts of worship and teaching in RE.
Our Christian values permeate all aspects of our school life and we ask that above all, members of our community are kind towards each other and treat others as they would like to be treated themselves – this ethos, we believe contributes significantly to the happy, harmonious school Trinity CEVAP is.
Collective worship 2023 - 2024
Collective worship 2024 - 2025