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Careers and aspirations day!

What a busy Trinity Twenty afternoon Greenfinches had. They researched and found out about a given animal, then created a habitat for the animal. At the end of the afternoon they presented information about the animal to the class like a nature programme. 

Making bird feeders to encourage them into our school grounds.

Exploring non-fiction texts in English. Super team work and explaining!

Maths - Great fun making shapes to answer questions about them.

Key Stage One The Great Fire of London

Year 2 had a wonderful session asking grandparents and other family members about their childhood and how it is different to today. They loved finding out about what school was like for them, their favourite books and about the food. We even enjoyed a nice drink, biscuit and fruit snack.

Science: Exploring and making darkness. The children had great fun answering their own questions about darkness through making it. They then looked at which materials they could see the best in the dark.
