Luke 1.37 Nothing is impossible
At Trinity CEVAP School we believe that through kindness and respect we can all grow and achieve great things. Within our community, all are welcome and valued as unique individuals, knowing that together we can change lives and create a better world, where we cherish each other and the amazing creation we have been given, seeing God’s greatness in ourselves and others.
By setting high expectations in all that we do, we strive to help everyone be their best, and to develop into well rounded, individuals who “live life in all its fullness”, confident to embrace new challenges, experiences and learning both now and into the future knowing, “Nothing is impossible with God” Lk 1:37.
Our Golden Rules are-
We will show respect for each other through kindness – We are kind.
We will celebrate the differences between each one of us – We welcome all people.
We will protect and take care of God’s creation and all living things – We take care of our world.