In Science, we have been learning about friction. We investigated which surfaces would cause the most friction, making it more difficult for an object to move. By using ramps covered in different materials, we placed a toy car at one end and slowly lifted the ramp. As soon as the toy car moved, we stopped lifting and measured the height of the ramp. After analysing our results, we discovered that surfaces such as carpet and sponge needed the ramp to be lifted higher for the car to start moving whereas plastic and polished wood didn't need to be lifted very far at all. In conclusion, rough surfaces cause more friction than smooth surfaces.
Mardi Gras Day
What fun we've all had today! We learnt about Shrove Tuesday and how this is celebrated in France. We made our own Mardi Gras masks which we will enjoy parading around in. We have also thought about the three traditions of Lent: Prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We visited the Prayer Room and wrote our own prayers and talked about acts of kindness that we could do. We each painted a picture or pattern onto a pebble with a positive word or message which we will be hiding around the school grounds for others to find. We were also very lucky to have delicious pancakes which Mrs Curran-Spain and Mrs Terndrup cooked for us. We even got a chance to toss the pancakes and have pancake races.
Despite the cold weather, we have been enjoying doing some gardening. Today, we planted some bulbs which we will look after and nurture. Watch this space to see the results in Spring and Summer.
Year 5 are thoroughly enjoying our current class text 'The Nowhere Emporium.' Today, we became the curious crowd that gathered outside the mysterious shop that appeared from nowhere! We were engrossed in our role and used evidence from the text to react to events in the book. Afterwards, some of us were journalists interviewing the crowd to find out facts and opinions for our newspaper report.
In our DT lessons, we have designed a Christmas themed picture to cross stitch. We spent the first lesson practising how to cross stitch. After a couple of weeks of practising and unpicking errors and tangles, we are now perfecting our skills which is paying off as our designs are really starting to take shape and look effective.
We have been learning how to multiply any number by 10, 100 and 1,000. Some of us became the place value columns to demonstrate what happens to the digits when you multiply by 10, 100 or 1,000.
We have thoroughly enjoyed making Anglo Saxon huts and brooches out of clay. We used tools carefully to create texture and patterns in the clay. Once the clay models were dry, we painted them. We are very pleased with the final products.
We have thoroughly enjoyed making Anglo Saxon huts and brooches out of clay. We used tools carefully to create texture and patterns in the clay. Once the clay models were dry, we painted them. We are very pleased with the final products.
As part of our Science learning about Space, we looked at images of the moon's surface and discussed the craters we could see. Using our scientific enquiry skills, we investigated whether the distance the 'asteroid' (a ball of clay) fell from affected the size of the 'crater' on the moon's surface (a tray of flour.) We measured the craters accurately and recorded our results. We found out that the further the distance the asteroid was from the moon, the greater the size of the crater.