Tuesday 17th November
It was anti-bullying week this week, and in one activity the children were asked to draw their best friend on a piece of paper. We then ripped up our pictures! This was to show the effect that bullying has on people - the damage was irreparable. We then discussed if sorry would be enough to fix what has been done, and likened it to using sellotape to put our pictures back together. We then discussed how we felt when we ripped up the pictures and discussed the idea that it hurts the bully to cause the damage too.
Friday 6th November
In English we looked at using different prefixes to change the meaning of a range of root words. We had lots of fun trying to match ourselves outside.
Thursday 5th November
Our new Science topic focuses on living things and how to classify them. We first focused on grouping a range of animals in our own ways. We then moved on to using more scientific criteria to group them, e.g. if they were carnivores, omnivores or herbivores.
Wednesday 4th November
In our new R.E topic, Prophethood, we were discussing what important message we think God/Allah would want to give to the world. Take a look at some of the ones we came up with...