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History learning in action

In History today Year 1 looked at the History of Flight. We looked at how we can work out the order of these events by studying the dates in close detail.

Year 3 have enjoyed looking at an 1884 map of Stowmarket and a modern day map of Stowmarket. It was interesting to find out what was the same and what has changed.

Year 3 had a fabulous day visiting Colchester Castle. There was lots to look at, try on, make and learn about The Romans. What a fabulous day we had. We can now use all we found out to help with our learning in school.

Year 2 had a wonderful session asking grandparents and other family members about their childhood and how it is different to today. They loved finding out about what school was like for them, their favourite books and about the food. We even enjoyed a nice drink, biscuit and fruit snack.

Year 1 have been retelling the story of the Gunpowder Plot in history. Can you remember who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament?

Years 5 and 6 has a fantastic trip to West Stow Anglo-Saxon village. They learned lots about the life of the Anglo-Saxons and enjoyed looking at the different artefacts in the museum.

Today in History, Key Stage 1 had a visitor come in to share his experiences of his own childhood. Mr Lucas talked about his school days, he even told us that he had the cane when he was small! Mr Lucas said that he used to have conker fights with his friends at school, by having a conker and a string and banging them against each other! We also looked at some toys that Mr Lucas brought in. We looked at some old books, matchbox toys, marbles and small soldier figures. We really enjoyed looking at the different items Mr Lucas brought in and hearing from him.


I wonder what was your favourite item you saw today?

Year 4 have really enjoyed finding out about the Egyptians.

Trinity had a visit from the Tower of London's chief Yeoman Warden. The children were able to develop their understanding of how London has changed over time and enjoyed asking lots of questions.

UKS2 Visted Duxford Air Museum to extend their learning about WWII.
