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Sports Festival at Stowupland High School. It was a great team effort that resulted in Tawny Owls finishing first.

Sports Week - Day 2 - Archery, Army visit and BMX

Sports Week - Day 1 - Assault course and cricket

Making coleslaw as part of our Food Technology unit on American Food.

Tawny Owls are really enjoying our 'Chance to Shine' Cricket Coaching sessions. It has been fun to practice our fielding skills, especially since the weather is becoming more pleasant.

In Year 4, students examined why the cross is so important to Christians because of its symbolism of love and sacrifice. Additionally, we made our own wooden crosses.

We had great fun looking at an 1884 map of Stowmarket and comparing it to the one today. It was interesting to find out what was the same and what had changed over time.
