Google Classroom
From tomorrow we will be using Google Classroom to set work for the children to do at home during lockdown. They should then be able to answer much of this directly in the documents assigned to them, or on paper if required (which can then be emailed to the class teacher).
A slide pack which guides you through the use of Google Classroom is attached below.
Lots of parents and carers often ask how to help their children with their learning at home. There are lots of good website links on the Kids' Zone page on our website.
There are a range of activities which can be carried out at home to make practising spellings more fun. The document below gives some ideas, many of which we use in our Spelling sessions at school. Alternatively, ask your child about 'Shannon's Game' - a hangman-like game which the children have really enjoyed playing in class.
Here are some ways/ideas to help with Reading, Maths and English at home: