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Learning in Action

For our last Trinity 20 of the year, we experimented with drawing optical illusions.

Digging up our Potatoes!

1.7.24 - We enjoyed visiting St. Mary's Church and finding out about The Lord's Prayer.

Fun in the sun during Sports Week enjoying cricket, volleyball, archery, BMX and army boot camp.

We love playing games and doing puzzles to help us learn our times tables.

In Science this half term, Barn Owls are taking part in The Nappy Challenge. We had great fun today dissecting nappies and looking carefully at the different parts, what their functions are and what materials they were made of. We can't wait to explore the absorbency and elasticity of nappies in further lessons.

We really enjoyed making apple pies as part of our Food Technology unit on American Food.

We carried on the bee theme in our Trinity 20 afternoon where we were challenged to make a bee out of wood using lolly sticks.

We really enjoyed a visit from Jane Corcoran from the Suffolk Bee Association. She told us lots about the life of bees and what we can do to help protect them. We also got to look at a hive, wear a beekeeper's outfit and taste some delicious honey!

In the warmer weather we have been sowing sunflower, sweetpea and cornflower seeds and planting our potatoes which have been chitting in the classroom over the past few weeks.

Making coleslaw as part of our Food Technology unit on American Food.

Barn Owls are really enjoying our 'Chance to Shine' Cricket Coaching sessions. We have been practising our fielding skills and focusing on improving our bowling and batting techniques.

Year 3 have been finding out about 'Our Bodies'. We made our own models to explain how muscles work and help to move our skeletons.

Lots of talented adults helping us sew our puppets during Trinity 20.

Our finished puppets

Starting to learn to play the ukuleles.

Some fabulous costumes for World Book Day - 7th March. Can you guess who we all are?

Year 3 thought about how the cross is so important to Christians as it is a symbol of love and sacrifice. We also made our own wooden crosses.

Year 3 have enjoyed looking at an 1884 map of Stowmarket and a modern day map of Stowmarket. It was interesting to find out what was the same and what has changed.

We leant some traditional card games and some new maths card games in Trinity 20.

Making Mardis Gras Masks

Eating, Tasting and Tossing Pancakes!

We enjoyed our Pancake races with Year 4 even though our pancakes got a little soggy in the rain!

We have been making lamps in DT inspired by Tiffany lamp designs. We also made circuits so we could switch our lamps on and off.

For Internet Safety Day (6th February) Year 3 looked at some examples of posts on the internet and had to think about how they might make them feel (positive, negative, it depends or not sure) We found out the internet can influence the way young people think, feel and act.

Epiphany 2024

We made and played Christmas board games for Trinity 20

We have been working hard this half term with Tawny Owl class to produce a Roman inspired mosaic. We were very pleased with the end result.

We have now planted all of our bulbs. Fingers crossed for a colourful Spring display!

Year 3 had a visit from a STEM Ambassador who came to talk to us about magnets. We enjoyed finding out about and experimenting with electromagnets. Did you know that electromagnets can help to generate power, are used in machines like MRI scanners and even help to levitate trains in Japan!

Practising our times tables

We were palaeontologists for our Trinity 20!

Discovering what can be found in soil.

Making Erupting Volcanoes

Learning to play the glockenspiels

Gardening as part of our Active Learning

Learning important messages about staying safe when online.
