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English and Phonics

Phonics and English continuous provision recently.

Reading our stories to each other.

Writing instructions on how to make a shaving foam rain cloud.



English and phonics this week :)



Phonics and English activities this week! 

Can you remember what plural means?

Can you make these words plural;









Some of our English and Phonics work this week!

Last few weeks ✉️📅📗✏️

Phonics and English over the last month :)

13.10.22: This week we have been reading the story of The Pig in the Pond.

Retelling the story of Farmer Duck

Labels and Captions

Phase 3 Tricky Words Song

Phase 4 Tricky Words Song Sight Words Song for said, have, like, come, some, what, when

In phonics for the last two weeks we have been recapping our Phase 3 and Phase 4 sounds leaned from Reception. We have also been looking at our tricky words too. Why not press the links and have a go at our tricky word songs :)

The last few weeks in English we have been looking at Poetry. 

The first poem we looked at was ‘The Wind’ by Christina Rossetti.

This week we looked at ‘The Zoo’ by William Makepeace. 

The children have done an amazing job to work together to perform these poems. We have thought about using our voices, actions and not covering our faces when we perform the poem to an audience. 

We have also been looking at adjectives. (An adjective is a describing word) 


The children all did an amazing job at describing the zoo animals using some fantastic adjectives such as prickly, fluffy, brown, white, smelly and soft.
