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At Trinity we are use a program called Stormbreak, a mental health through movement initiative. Stormbreak is designed to  'normalise' conversation around key mental health concepts, supporting children to regulate their emotions and develop empathy with their peers.  The program uses a range of movement breaks coupled with discussion around the concepts of Resilience, Relationships, Self-care, Hope & Optimism, and Self-worth.


About Stormbreak

Year 5 enjoyed our stormbreak 'Nature's Trees.' We thought about our favourite tree and imagined growing from seed to fully grown tree comparing this to persevering to reach our goals and to keep going even when things get tough. We also joined together in small groups to support each other to reach our goals and grow into a strong tree.

Barn Owls enjoy using exercises and stretching to 'reset' ourselves ready for learning.

Year 1- We love Ninja Breathing!

Ducklings Stormbreak rainbow wall!

Below Ducklings will tell you what it means to them to have Resilience, Relationships, Self-care, Hope & Optimism and Self-worth.



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Self Care!

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Hope and Optimism

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Self Worth!

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The creators of Stormbreak sent Ducklings class a video for being Stormbreak superstars!

Well done Ducklings!

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Below Ducklings will show you some of their favourite Stormbreaks!

Conversations in rhythm

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Working in pairs, we watch our partner create a simple rhythm and then copy it! We are building up our relationship skills!

Stormbreak breathing!

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We use our Stormbreak breathing to keep us calm when we need it!

Stormbreak breathing!

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Bus Stop meditation!

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We don't jump on the worry bus, we watch it pass us by taking our worries with us, instead we jump on the happy bus! The children use this method to help them to deal with worrying thoughts!