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PSHE Learning in Action

Careers and Aspirations Day!

Ducklings had so much fun learning about nursing, swim teaching and being a police officer during their aspiration afternoon!

Year 3 have been thinking about how it feels to be challenged and how you need to persevere when trying something new or difficult. We were set the challenge of building a house of cards. It was not easy but we kept going. We realised that it didn't matter if we succeeded as long as we tried our best and helped each other.

Year 2 enjoy reading and chatting to the Church Parishioners after they visit for a school lunch.

Year 6 had a fantastic visit to The Mix yesterday to take part in Crucial Crew. They spent the afternoon learning about how to keep themselves safe and healthy in different situations. 

Year 4 have been thinking about how we can tell what other people are thinking by looking at their facial expressions and body language. Do our facial expressions and body language match the feeling written on the whiteboard?

Looking after babies.


Today we thought about how to carefully help look after babies. Lots of Ducklings have baby brothers and sisters at home so they were experts and shared what to do with their friends! They helped to dress the baby, and put on its hat to keep it warm. They showed that they could hold it carefully and wrapped it in a blanket. We talked about what they were like when they were a baby and what they could do then, and how that is different to what they can do now! 

We are welcoming! 


Ducklings have been thinking about how we know that everyone is welcome in our school. They came up with a list of ideas, about what they would say and do to welcome the new children who will be starting in September. Then they made a lovely welcome banner to put on the wall for when they come to their Stay and Play sessions. 




Ducklings used their teamwork skills to build a den. Together they carried the big sticks down to the woodland area. Then they talked to each other about the best methods for building a den. Once it was built they enjoyed playing in it together! Super Teamwork everybody!



Year 6 Residential: Managing risks and dealing with emotions. 

Year 6 Visit from the police, talking about how to be safe with drugs. 
