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Looking at different parables.


Can you remember what 3 parables we looked at?

This half term in RE we are looking at Parables.


Our friends Tom and Tessa gave us a parcel to unwrap and inside we found the letters 


P A R A B L E.


We then looked at what this meant.


Can you remember a parable is?



This week we have been looking at our school value and bible stories to go alongside.


Our school values are to be Kind, to look after Gods creation and to be Welcoming.


Can you think of any stories that show these values?


Later in the week we went to the church for the Epiphany.


We followed the star like the 3 kings and made beautiful crowns too.

To finish of the learning of our Baptism unit, we got to go and visit the church.


During our visit, Reverent Sarah kindly baptised Greenfinch so he is know a member of the Christian Church.


Can you rememberer what happens at a baptism?


Reverent Sarah also kindly let us have a look around the church which we all enjoyed thoroughly.

This week in RE we role played the story ‘Jesus welcoming the children’ from the Bible. It is often a part of the bible read during a Christening and Baptism service.

The children were fantastic actors and actresses!



We looked at Baptism presents and these are a few ideas the children thought would be nice to give to a baby after they have been Christened.

In RE this term we are looking at why it is important for Christians to belong to the church and follow God. 


We made models of where we belong. The children came up with ideas such as their home, their nanny and grandads house and the school. We decided that as everyone belongs at school we would build it together out of blocks. The children then decorated either a peg doll or a stick person and we put them all in the school.


