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Autumn Term 1

Enjoying yoga and reusing plastic to make mazes for Trinity 20.

We have been making stop frame animations in our computing lessons.

Still image for this video

An exploding volcano!

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Watch out!

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Still image for this video

We then used stop frame animation techniques to make our own mini movies and also added text and sound.

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We enjoyed a visit from Major Kevin who told us all about the history of the Salvation Army and how they help people today.

Enjoying finding and reading books in the library.

Using the glockenspiels in Music.

Investigating how sound travels through different mediums using string telephones.

Making clay sculptures in the style of Henry Moore.

Enjoying books with our Reading Buddies.

Making junk model guitars to investigate how to change the volume and pitch of an instrument.

Learning our numbers to 20 in French using loop cards.

Going on a sound walk to start our new Science topic - 'What's That Sound?'

We are enjoying playing a variety of games to practise our times tables skills.

Our E-Safety work for this half term.

Celebrating the school's 10th Birthday with a tea party on the playground.
