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SMSC In Action

Years 5 and 6 visited our local church, St. Mary's, as part of our RE learning about Eucharist. Rev. Sarah welcomed us and showed us her stole and asked if we could explain the symbols on it. She then explained what each of the items on the altar table were and their significance to the Eucharist (or Holy Communion). We learnt about what happens at a Eucharist service and why it is so important for Christians. Rev. Sarah invited anyone who had been confirmed (or anyone who would like to take communion to experience it) to come forward. After those who had been confirmed took communion, many of us also took part. These are some of the things we shared about how it made us feel:

"It made me feel happy."

"It made me feel nervous because I'd never had communion before."

"It made me feel at peace especially because of where we are."

"It felt natural because I have communion regularly."

We enjoyed our visit and shared some information that we had found out with Rev. Sarah - that Buzz Aldrin took communion on the moon!



The Big Sing


Years 5 and 6 visited St.Edmundsbury Cathedral to participate in the Big Sing where we celebrated the work of several Suffolk schools in being courageous advocates. We talked about the issues we have been learning about recently (poverty and climate change) and that we will soon be putting an action plan together to show how we can make a difference to our local, national and global neighbours. We read out our shared class poem that revealed the kind of people we are at Trinity; showing the qualities and characteristics we have that will help us to strive for change.

This is our poem which is called 'Love one another.'


At Trinity we have…

Listening ears to hear what people say

Friendly smiles to spread joy everywhere

Welcoming arms for anyone in the world

Motivational spirits

Open minds to accept different ideas and opinions

Useful hands to pick up litter to look after the environment

Hopeful voices ready to heal the earth

Inspirational words to challenge decision makers

Eager bodies and minds ready to take action

We are full of love that can change the world

We follow in the footsteps of the Lord


We really enjoyed singing hymns and songs with the live band. It was a wonderful way to start our Easter celebrations.

Mardi Gras Day


What fun we've all had today! Every class learnt about Shrove Tuesday and how this is celebrated in France. We made our own Mardi Gras masks which we enjoyed parading around in. We have also thought about the three traditions of Lent: Prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Each class visited the Prayer Room and wrote their own prayers and talked about acts of kindness that they could do. We each painted a picture or pattern onto a pebble with a positive word or message which we will be hiding around the school grounds for others to find. We were also very lucky to have delicious pancakes which Mrs Curran-Spain and Mrs Terndrup cooked for us. We even got a chance to toss the pancakes and have pancake races. Our pebbles will soon be hidden in and around Combs and Stowmarket so keep a look out to see if you can find one - our messages will hopefully put a smile on your face and then you can hide them again for someone else to discover; spreading kindness and positivity throughout our community.

Each class learnt about Epiphany and participated in a variety of activities such as Art and English. After a whole school collective worship where we learnt about Epiphany traditions in France, we paraded around the school grounds following the star to find Jesus. 

When Ducklings class visited the Prayer Room with their Three Kings' Day artwork, a child said, " I feel so calm in here. I feel the presence of Jesus all around me." 

The Worship Team have spent the last week practising a short play in the style of Open the Book. They led our whole school Collective Worship by performing the bible story - David and Goliath - and ended the worship by explaining how David showed complete trust in God when he faced Goliath.

Year 2 enjoy reading to the Church Parishioners after they have visited for a school roast dinner.

Children in Need 2023 Cake Sale. The School Council organised a cake sale to raise money for Children In Need

During the past two weeks, every child made a poppy and attached it to our display in the hall. As they were making the poppies and fixing them to the cargo net, they spent some time remembering those who have sacrificed their lives for us, those who have fought for our country in the past and those who continue to do so. They have learnt about why the poppy is a symbol of remembrance and took part in 2 minutes of silence during our Remembrance collective worship. 

Odd Sock Day- At Trinity we are kind.

Year 3 are using their recent visit to Colchester Castle to help with their learning about the impact and legacy of The Romans on our country
