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Geography learning in action

In Geography, Barn Owls have been finding out about our planet Earth and how we can tell people exactly where we are and how to find different locations. We have been making our own papier mâché globes and maps. We have identified the seven continents and five oceans as well as important lines of latitude and longitude such as the equator, Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.

Year 1- We loved learning all about pandas today! We found out some interesting facts about them and where they come from!

Year 1 using their map skills to find things in the classroom!

Year 3 have been learning about the Water Cycle. We have been investigating what happens when rain falls on different surfaces.

Year 3 have been learning about Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis. We really enjoyed making our own erupting volcano!

KS1 have been learning about where food comes from around the world.

Year 4 - Having fun making globes to help us identify the different continents and countries in the world.

Exploring the environment around us!


Ducklings went on a nature hunt around the school to see what they could find. We found lots of different leaves, insects and animals. The children also found their shadows on the floor when they stood in the sun, and enjoyed looking at the pictures that they could make out of the clouds in the sky!

Growing sunflowers!


Ducklings carefully planted their seeds and made sure they looked after them by watering them and making sure they got plenty of sunlight. We have looked at the different parts of the plant that they can see, and found the stem and the leaves and the roots that are growing underneath the soil. They have grown very tall, so today they took them home to look after. Hopefully they will keep growing tall and soon they will grow sunflowers!

Year 1 and 2 have been learning about plants in their local environment. They went on a hunt around the school grounds looking at different flowers and trees and tried to identify these using their identification sheets.

Ducklings enjoy exploring their local environment during their forest school sessions.
