Our Maths Statistics, Position and Direction Working Wall
We are writing poetry, persuasive speeches and narrative stories in English.
We are studying teeth and the digestive system in Science.
Our Maths Shape Working Wall
How do Sikhs put their beliefs about equality into practise?
In Geography we are finding out what coasts are and how they are formed.
Quel temps fait-il? (What's the weather like?)
The books we have read this year.
Our visit to the Suffolk School Farm and Country Fair (20.4.23)
Summer Term 1 2023
Our Maths Time Working Wall
Our Maths Money Working Wall
Our topic in History this half term is Ancient Egyptians
We are using narrative stories and letter writing with an Egyptian theme in our English
Our Maths Decimals Working Wall
We will be be experimenting and building different bridges and towers in science
Le Carnaval des Animaux (Carnival of the Animals)
Why do Christians believe they are 'people on a mission?'
Spring Term 2 2023
Our Maths Fractions Working Wall
We are grouping, classifying and looking at different plants and animals in Science
We are studying climates, climate zones and biomes in Geography
We are using poetry and explanation texts about looking after our planet in English
Why are good stewardship and generous giving important for every Christian?
Vive le sport! (Our Sporting Life!)
Our Epiphany Artwork - 6th January 2023
Spring Term 1 2023
We are investigating solids, liquids and gases in Science and how they can be changed.
We are looking at how the story of Rama and Sita inspires Hindus to follow their dharma.
How unpleasant were the Bronze and Iron Ages?
Raconte - moi une histoire (Tell me a Story)
Our new English novel is "How to train your dragon" by Cressida Cowell
More focused work on spellings this term
We are continuing with our work on multiplication and division
TTRS - Can you reach the MAGIC NUMBER? - 3 minutes each day/21 minutes per week
Autumn Term 2 (2022 - 2023)
"Butterfly Lion" by Michael Morpurgo is our English text this half term
Our Magpie Wall - lots of advice and words to help with our spellings
We will be focusing on Multiplication and Division in maths this half term
We will be investigating Electricity in our Science topic, "Power It Up"
In RE, we are looking at the religion of Islam and the importance of the prophet Muhammad
We will be exploring the planet Earth in Geography
Some fantastic objects, pictures and facts from countries around the world for "Hook Day"
Our topic in French is L'argent de poche (Pocket Money)
Stone Age Clay Sculptures inspired by Henry Moore
Autumn Term 1 (2022-2023)
We are now practising our addition and subtraction skills
In Science we are looking at how sounds are made and how we hear them
Making instruments and experimenting with changing the pitch and volume
Can you practise your times tables?
How does believing Jesus is their Saviour inspire Christians to save and serve others?
We are studying The Stone Age in History
On y va! (All Aboard!) in French
Interesting and trickier words to learn to spell and use in our work
We are focusing on number and place value in Numeracy
Our English text this half term is "Stone Age Boy" by Satoshi Kitamura
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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