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Autumn 2 Maths learning!


This half therm we will be exploring triangles, circles, squares and rectangles, and finding out their properties. The children will learn that numbers are made from different parts, and will begin to be able to show this in lots of different ways. We will be focusing on recognising, subitising and the composition of numbers up to 5!

Making and finding squares, circles, rectangles and triangles!

Part part whole to 5- we have been using part part whole diagrams to make number to 5 using different parts!

Autumn 1 Maths Learning!


This half term the children will be finding out about numbers to 3, looking at the different ways we can make these numbers. We will also be investigating simple patterns, matching and sorting, finding the odd one out, and exploring capacity and weight!

Grouping and Sorting!

The children have learnt to sort and group objects into different groups. They have been learning to spot the similarities in a group to see what the 'rule' of the group is. They have also been busy spotting the largest/biggest and smallest groups out of a selection!

Repeating Patterns


The children have been busy making repeating patterns. We have been checking the rule of the pattern, by seeing which things stay the same each time they repeat and then carefully adding our own on the end. Ducklings are experts at finding problems in the patterns and fixing them to make sure they keep repeating!



We have been learning the words heavier and lighter. The children were very excited to use the scales to test out objects. First they made a prediction about what item would be the heaviest, then they tested out their theory by putting them both in the scales and seeing which side went down! It was super fun!

Weighing in the Woods!

Still image for this video
During Forest school some of the children practiced their weighing skills. They built a set of scales from the wood and tested out the different objects they could find to see which was the heaviest thing in the woods!

Making Scales in the wood!

Still image for this video

Numbers 1,2 and 3!


We have been beginning to look at our numbers, starting with 1,2 and 3. The children have been learning to identify the numbers, both the symbol and using other representations such as numicon and dots on a dice. We have been practicing subitising- we don't count we just know, and making numbers out of different natural objects!
