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DT Learning in Action

Year 5 researched soup recipes and used their knowledge of seasonal vegetables to design and make their own soup. Their peeling, chopping and cooking skills have definitely progressed since their first lesson at the start of the term and they have all shown great care and been aware of safety within a kitchen environment. It has been so wonderful to hear that several of the children have made potato and leek soup at home with their families after they had a go at making this in school a few weeks ago. They have been busy evaluating their soups and are discussing what they would change for next time and why. We clearly have lots of budding chefs in Sparrowhawks!

Making fruit juice- Ducklings have been busy chopping, peeling and squeezing to make lots of different kinds of fruit juice!

Making leaf crowns- we had fun collecting leaves in the woods,and then threading them to make beautiful leaf crowns!

Ducklings enjoyed learning all about Diwali! They used clay to mould their own diva lamps and then decorated them using lots of bright colours!

The cold weather meant our phonics sounds were stuck in the ice, ducklings carefully used hammers to break the ice and rescue the sounds, making sure that they were holding he handles properly and keeping their fingers safe!

Ducklings had fun mixing, stirring, pouring and cutting to make salt dough Christmas decorations!

In Year 3 we are making our own electronic quiz games. We have planned our questions and answers with themes ranging from times tables to football to dinosaurs. We have been busy decorating our boxes which will house our quizes. Then, using our knowledge of circuits practised in our science lessons, we will connect our questions and answers together. A bulb should light up if the answer is correct.

In Year 5, we have been learning about the fruit and vegetable seasonal calendar in our DT lessons (which also links with our Geography work about where in the world our food and clothing come from.) We enjoyed developing our peeling and chopping skills in the kitchen as well as revisiting food hygiene and safety rules. After we had peeled and chopped seasonal vegetables - potatoes, carrots, leeks and celery, we were delighted to have a taste. The majority of us loved the taste of the cooked leeks but the celery was less popular. Munching on carrots seemed to be a winner with everyone. 

Year 1 have made Apple Crumble (part of their Geography learning) and Fruit Kebabs (part of their Science learning). We enjoyed making the crumble topping, discussing how we have to use our finger tips. We talked about how the apples were hard but when cooked they turn soft. We said about adding the sugar to make it into a sweet desert. For the Fruit kebabs the children discussed what fruits they like and why they want to choose the fruits. Eg colour and taste. We had a go at chopping bananas and grapes too.

Making apple pies as part of LKS2's unit of work on American Food.

Year 3 enjoyed using the bridge and claw grips to chop vegetables to make coleslaw.

DT - Hand Buzzer Games

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to design, make and test their own hand buzzer games. They created an electrical circuit so that if their 'wand' touched the metal wire, it would create a complete circuit, resulting with the buzzer being switched on. Our classroom was certainly buzzing for most of the afternoon!

DT - Making Pizzas

Year 5 have been learning about how yeast works in dough. They also discussed what makes a good pizza. There was a difference of opinion about whether pineapple (or any type of fruit) belonged on pizza. You will see from the pictures below that the children thoroughly enjoyed designing and making their own pizza. Although, their favourite part was definitely eating them! They are now evaluating their designs and deciding what kind of pizza they would like to make next time at home.

Year 3 have been making lamps inspired by Tiffany lamp designs. We also made a circuit so we could make our lamps switch on and off.

Ducklings enjoyed there class book the Gingerbread man. We finished of our Gingerbread man learning by making some of our own. They were very yummy!

Barn Owls used their sewing skills to make puppets inspired by Victorian Punch and Judy puppets.
