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The Trinity Tree

In 2019 we participated in the Colourful Communities Project with the local company PPG. As part of the project we created the Trinity Value Tree - this represents all the values the school encourages, taught through  the Imaginor Collective Worship programmes- Jack in the Box, Values for Life and the more modern Roots and Fruits - values of Generosity, Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Friendship, Respect, Thankfulness, Trust, Perseverance, Justice, Service, Truthfulness, Wisdom, Peace, Hope, Creativity, Thoughtfulness, Humility and Responsibility

Also included on the tree are the key words from our Golden rules at that time- 

We Value - each other, honesty, respect, knowledge, all people, our community, kindness and our world.

These together with our British values of democracy, liberty, mutual respect, tolerance and the rule of the law, come together to form our unique tree which is also reflected in the school's crest.
