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Making sandwiches- ducklings had fun making sandwiches for their teddy bears picnic!

Painting Stickman!

Maths-exploring shape!we have been making shape pictures, going on shape hunts and making shapes out of play dough!

Making salt dough Christmas decorations!

We had lots of fun playing and exploring the cold weather!

Making words on the monkey tiles!

Learning about rememberance day!

We had fun wearing ur Pyjamas to raise money for Children in Need!

We had fun completing our obstacle course to make it to the moon!

Kindness superheroes- we thought about how we can use our kindness super power to look after our friends!

Making and decorating diva lamps to celebrate Diwali!

Collecting autumn leaves and threading them to make leaf crowns!

Looking after our environemt- ducklings have been carrying out litter pucks to keep our school tidy and safe for all of the wonderful creatures!
