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Please click the Home School Values link below to see how you can support and reinforce our teachings and values at home with your child(ren):

‘And when Jesus had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterwards He was hungry.’

Perseverance at Trinity CEVAP

  • We encourage the children to keep going even when things are tough
  • We ensure that the work we give children is challenging enough that all children have opportunities to develop persistence –we want all children to experience success…..but also to appreciate that sometimes success involves struggle
  • We tell the children that God’s love for them endures for ever…whatever they do.

Running the race of life.

At the beginning of the half term, every child and adult was given a piece of card bunting to write down a goal that they wanted to work towards. Throughout class based worship, we discussed how they were going with their goals and what they had to do to achieve success even when it felt difficult. The bunting was displayed around the school to remind everyone of their goal. It was pleasing to see children sharing their goals and asking how their classmates were getting along with theirs. There have been many proud faces when they could say they had finally reached their goal and that they were ready for the next one.
