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Our Golden Rules

Our Golden Rules are-

We will show respect for each other through kindness –

We are kind.

We will celebrate the differences between each one of us – We welcome all people.

We will protect and take care of God’s creation and all living things – We take care of our world.

"When visitors come to our school, we make them feel welcome by saying hello and talking to them." Pupil Yr. 2

"If someone new joins our class we can make them feel welcome by saying - would you like to play with me, and not leaving them on their own". Pupil Yr. 3


"Being kind means that you let others have a go in the go karts, even if you are having fun on them!"

"Helping someone in class, showing them how to do something is kind." Pupil Yr. 5


"There is too much plastic being used in the world, and it causes pollution - we need to use paper and cut down plastic use - and recycle it if we do use it." Pupil Yr. 6

Year 1 enjoyed taking ownership Collective Worship in the Prayer room. We discussed what compassion means and acted out some examples of how we can be compassionate.

KS1- Today we enjoyed going on a litter pick around our school! The children really enjoy looking after our outdoor areas and ensuring God's creation is kept tidy!
