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Progression of skills for EYFS

Childhood is a journey not a race, and we accept each child’s individual right to learn at their own pace and to continue to develop themselves as unique individuals through engaging fun activities and experiences.




Foundation Stage children complete the final year of the Foundation Stage Curriculum which is based on the QCA guidance for the EYFS and “The Next Step” Early Years Curriculum Guidance for Suffolk.

We are committed to providing quality learning experiences for all the children; learning that is structured, balanced, relevant to the child and related to the real world -  learning that is child directed and through play. The Foundation Stage Curriculum is divided into three Prime and four Specific areas of learning. Every day your child will have the opportunity to do the following:


Prime Areas


Communication and Language Development


This involves children experiencing a language rich environment.

Helping them to develop the confidence and skills in expressing themselves.

Enabling them to speak and to listen in a range of situations.


Physical Development


This involves providing opportunities for children to:

Be active and interactive.
To develop their co-ordination control and movement.
Understand the importance of physical activity.
Learn to make healthy food choices.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development


The children will have opportunities to:
Develop a positive sense of themselves and others.
Form positive relationships.
Develop respect for others.
Develop social skills.
Learn how to manage their feelings.
To understand appropriate behaviour.
Have confidence in their own abilities.


Specific Areas




The children will be learning to:

Link sounds and letters
Begin to read and write

Through access to a wide range of creative and traditional reading and writing materials and opportunities.




This involves providing children with opportunities to develop their:

Skills in counting.
Understanding of numbers.
Ability to use numbers
Calculate simple addition and subtraction problems.
Recognition of shapes, spaces and measures.

Through a wide range of activities and play


Understanding of the World


The children will have opportunities to:

explore and find out about the world around them, asking questions about it;
build with different materials, know about everyday technology and learn what it is used for;
find out about past events in their lives and their families' lives;
find out about different cultures and beliefs.

Through a wide range of activities and play.


Expressive arts and Design


The children will have opportunities to:

explore and play with a wide range of materials and media, enabling them to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through activities in:-

Art, music, movement,
Dance, role playing
Design and technology - including cooking.


Monitoring Progress


Each of the areas of learning has its own set of Early Learning Goals which determine what most children are expected to achieve by the end of the Reception year.

The E.Y.F.S. Profile is a summative assessment of each child’s progress towards the early learning goals. The profile is updated regularly throughout the year. It shows a child’s development and areas for further support to inform future planning to meet every child’s needs in KS1.

Parents will be informed of their child’s progress through parent’s evenings in the autumn and spring terms. Following the statutory written reporting to parents in the summer term, parents will also be able to book meetings with staff to discuss any concerns raised in the report. Weekly open office sessions are held every Wednesday from 3.15pm to 3.45pm for parents to make appointments to talk to their child’s teacher if they have any concerns and we ask that concerns are raised quickly so they can be easily sorted out.

Pupils will be informally assessed on entry, using information from parents and pre-school providers as well as initial observations made by staff in the first few weeks of term.
Teachers will monitor and record progress made by each child on the school’s tracking system and in their learning journey log books.

Assessments are made through the observing of play situations and discussions allowing children to show what they can do in, enabling staff to build on to this - for each child - the next steps in their learning.
Outdoor learning will be a huge part of the EYFS curriculum, as will getting messy and having fun – through this we will continue to develop within each child their natural curiosity of the world around them and their desires to learn in an environment of success and happiness.


We want every child to have a fantastic first year at Trinity and will do all we can with our parents to achieve this!

The Trinity EYFS Team.



Long Term plan 2022-23
