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SEND and Well-Being

The Special needs Co-ordinator for our school is Mrs. Clare Richardson. Please contact her through your child's class teacher if you have a SEN  concern about your child.


Mr Dan Fiske is our SEN Governor - he can be contacted through the school office.


Mrs Georgina Tower is our Pastoral and Well-Being Lead.  If you would like to have a chat with her please contact her through the school office.



If you would like to look at Local Offer from Suffolk please click on the link below.               

SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service).  This service offers impartial advice regarding special educational needs to parents of children with SEND.


There are a number of support services available to schools and parents, below are some useful links:


Info Link Suffolk - Suffolk County Councils Community Directory for Services (Suffolk's Local Offer)


Parenting Support and Programmes

School Nurse

Speech and Language Services

East and West Suffolk Neurodevelopmental Pathway

Sleep tips for children

Occupational Therapy - support with motor skills



Children and Young People's Emotional and Well-Being Support Suffolk


Speech and language support materials for parents working with their child at home

If you need to seek support in a crisis you can contact First Response on 111 (Option 2) which is a helpline for people of all ages in Norfolk and Suffolk who need urgent mental health support. The helpline is available all day, every day. If you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed, or worried about your child’s mental health please telephone 111 (Option 2) where a trained mental health professional will answer your call and will be able to listen to your concerns and help you get the support that you need.
