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2023: In the Autumn term we are looking at 'Our Bodies'. Here are a few pictures of what we have done in our Science lessons! :)

Looking at how water transports through the stem into leaves.


Today we planted a range of plants such as sunflowers, nasturtiums, carrots and strawberries!

Pictures the children took of our outdoor space

In English this week we carried out a Science experiment.


We made shaving foam rain clouds.


Can you write instructions on how to make a shaving foam rain cloud?

How can you sort different objects?

What can you squeeze, bend, twist and stretch?

What model can you make out of play doh? 




Science this week!

Do you have stretchy socks at home?



This half term in Science we are looking at materials. 

In particular we are looking at materials that can be squeezed, squashed, bent and twisted.



Making microhabitats for some mini beasts!

This half term in Science we are looking at Our Local Environment. We have been looking at Habitats and Micro-Habitats. We went searching in our forest school area to look for some mini beasts and their micro habitats.

Can you name me 3 minibeasts and where you might find them?




This week in Science we made a healthy snack! We then looked at what our favourite snacks are and made a graph to show this.


What was our least favourite snack?
What was our most favourite snack?


For our Healthy Me topic, we put foods into groups. Can you see how the children grouped them?
