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Computing Learning in Action

Ducklings have been using the internet to research pictures to draw, and the writing tablets to practice their writing skills!

In Year 5, as part of our Computing unit of work - We are Cryptographers, we have been studying how to use semaphore to send and receive messages. First, we all practised holding the flags in the correct positions for each letter of the alphabet. If you look up the semaphore alphabet, you'll be able to decode our message in the third photo below. We also learnt how to represent our names using the flags. It takes a lot longer to send and decode a message using semaphore than it does to send a text or voice note!

Year 3 have been making stop frame animations.

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Football Skills

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Dropping a banana!

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Year 3 then made our own mini movies using stop frame animation techniques and adding words and sounds as well.

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Year 1 enjoying our beebots unit!

Year 1 have enjoyed making our own audio books based on the story Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood!

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A new book.MOV

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Year 2 loved being game testers. They found out about how different online games worked, how to be safe using them and what makes a good game.

Year 4 have been making their own weather jingles on the ipads using the Garageband program.


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For Internet Safety Day (6th February) Year 3 looked at some examples of posts on the internet and had to think about how they might make them feel (positive, negative, it depends or not sure) We found out the internet can influence the way young people think, feel and act.

Goldfinch class have enjoyed our Computing topic so far this half term. We are focusing on illustrations of different book characters. The children have enjoyed experimenting with the PAINT programme.

Year 2 creating space themed games on Scratch

Year 6 have been using their coding skills to program the micro:bits

Using the Beebots!


Ducklings have had lots of fun using the Beebots. They have enjoyed programming them to move around obstacle courses, find their friends, and even in maths to help with their number recognition practice!

Beebots obstacle course!

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Beebot Maths!

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Beebot maths!

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Beebot maths!

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How we use technology in maths

Year 1- We love listening to the Digi Duck stories about Esafety. This is what Digi Duck says.....

As part of our 'We are cryptographers' computing unit of work in Year 5, we have been learning about methods of communication. We have explored semaphore - using flags to send and receive messages using a code. We practised sending and decoding letters of the alphabet to each other. It was quite tricky!

Year 3 have been learning how to stay safe online. Here are two important pieces of advice we have learnt so far.

Year 1: In Computing this week we looked a Digi Duck. He helps us to look at how to stay safe online.


We learned that we must never get Apps without our parents permission. 

Years 1 to 6 enjoying our lunchtime Maths/Homework club

Early Years - Using Technology

Year 1 using the Beebots

Year 2 using the coding program Scratch on the laptops

Year 3 trying some SPAG games in English

Year 4 researching facts about the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb for English writing

Years 5 and 6 using the laptops to program our micro-bits
