DT - Finished helmets
Barn Owls put the finishing touches on their bike helmets and carefully cut them into shape. Then they made a strap to go with their helmet and tried their work on! We think they look fantastic!
Science - Chocolate rocks!
After learning about classifying rocks, Barn Owls moved on to making the 3 different types of rocks (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary). They had lots of sticky fun making the rocks out of chocolate! Their hands mimicked the heat and pressure which is used to form the rocks.
The children have been practising their conversational skills this half term by learning how to ask and answer simple questions such as 'comment tu t'appelles?' (what is your name), 'qual age as-tu?' (how old are you) and 'ca va?' (how are you). Recently they have been focusing on their pronunciation of the French r sound through lots of conversation practise and games.
Design and Technology - Making helmets
This half term's DT unit focuses on helmets. First the children researched a range of helmets and discussed their purpose - they examined a motorbike helmet and a horse riding helmet and had lots of fun holding them and working out how they were used. Then the children moved on to designing and making their own bike helmet out of papier mache, using their own design criteria to create the helmets.
Science investigation - permeability
After learning about classifying rocks, Barn Owls moved on to investigating whether some rocks were permeable or not. First we acted out what being permeable meant (having gaps so that water could move through), then we set up our experiment. The children had fun observing whether bubbles came out from the rocks or not.
Friday 17th September - Roman Day!
To kick start our Roman History topic, we had a day entirely dedicated to Romans. We began the day by making our own Roman mosaics, talking about the idea of the rich and wealthy having these to decorate their homes. We then moved on to making our own Roman shields and talked about the meanings of the symbols and what a 'boss' was used for. Then we finished off the day with a fantastic feast - some of us were slaves, serving the Romans with the best dishes...
Barn Owls have been exploring rocks in Science! We talked about what a geologist is, before moving on to classifying them by their characteristics. We found that there were lots of different ways to classify rocks: weight, size, colour, pattern, texture to name a few! Barn Owls then carried out Moh's scratch test to find out which rocks were hard and which were soft. We discussed how chalk is soft and diamond is hard.
This term's R.E topic is reconciliation, so we have been thinking about different ways to show the mending of relationships and friendships. We acted out some friends falling out, and then the peacemaker helped the friends to reconcile.