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Trinity Twenty

At Trinity we value opportunities to enrich experiences and skills and believe these opportunities help towards them being the best they can be. 

We are very excited to introduce the ‘Trinity Twenty’ which encourages your child to enjoy age related activities which stretch skills and imagination.  Although many of these activities can be done at school, there are some you and your children can do together at home.

Each September their twenty new challenges will be added to their ‘Trinity Twenty Scrapbook’ (provided by the school) and a copy will be sent home with your child so you know what challenges the children have been asked to do.  You have a whole year to complete the activities, so there is no rush to quickly tick them off!  The children should keep their ‘Trinity Twenty Scrapbook’ at school, however it will always be available for you to look through.  If you are carrying out one of the activities at home please send in your photographs which can be stuck into their book.  You can add an explanation if you like.

We hope you and your child will enjoy taking part in these activities.  The ‘Trinity Twenty Scrapbook’ will certainly become a wonderful keepsake for the future!

Trinity Twenty Dates 2023-2024

Trinity Twenty lists of activities

Year 1 enjoyed their indoor bug hunt during Trinity 20! We didn't let the thunder and lightening stop us from searching for creepy crawlies!

Greenfinches: A busy afternoon creating animal habitats, learning about them and presenting the information to the class as a nature programme.

Year 1 enjoyed making biscuits during Trinity 20!

Year 5 - model building

After their trip to St. Edmundsbury Cathedral this week, Year 5 created their own large scale model of St. Edmund. They worked in teams (with several parents - thank you!) to create different parts of the statue as well as creating fact files and information about what they had learnt about him and why Christians go on pilgrimage to his tomb.

Year 1: Today in Trinity 20 we made puppets based on our African stories we have read. We then performed them in the Goldfinch Theatre and used the torches to create shadow puppets too! We also painted an African animal using water colours to create our own art expedition.

Year 2 enjoying learning and playing a range of board games

EYFS enjoyed making paper boats with their grown ups and testing to see if they would float!

Year 3 were very busy palaeontologists for Trinity Twenty. We made fossil footprints, fossil rubbings, fossil concertina books explaining how fossils are made, matched dinosaurs to their fossils and coloured in some fossil pictures.

Year 6 used the laptops to make guided about the local area - in both English and French!

Year 5 made papier mâché planets and researched information about the planets to create a fact file about their chosen planet. Everyone, including the parents, enjoyed getting messy and sticky with the papier mâché.

23rd May 


It was wonderful to see parents coming in to school to carry out a Trinity Twenty activity with the children today.  

Children made and played their own board games!

Learning to sew on a button and making our initials.

Making and explaining how food chains work

Making and performing in our own plays

Making up our own game and teaching it to someone
