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Art - Learning in action

Poppy pictures! Ducklings had fun drawing lovely Poppy pictures!

Year 1- Enjoying making our backgrounds for our Lowry inspired art piece.

Year 3 made clay sculptures in the style of Henry Moore.

Barn Owls have made turtle sculptures using mod roc.

Ducklings making and testing out water paint!

Ducklings have had fun exploring and experimenting with painting techniques to make some beautiful art work!

Year 1- Andy Goldsworthy inspired art! :)

Beautiful African sky inspired pieces by Year 2.

Year 1 have been looking at Watercolour/Brusho this half term. The children created their final African Art inspired piece and were really proud of their work.

Year 6 have been working hard on our painting technique and brush control. We created our own bamboo art and willow plates.

Year 3 and 4 Art Display for Autumn Term 2023

Year 3 and Year 4 have been working together to produce a Roman inspired mosaic. We were very pleased with the end result.

Year 3 have enjoyed looking at the Pop Art work of Andy Warhol and using it as inspiration for our own volcano pieces of art.

Year 5 have been enjoying painting the Anglo Saxon huts they made out of clay. 

Year 1- Exploring mark making with pastels!

Year 2 exploring different joining techniques. They used these to then create their own abstract sculptures.

Year 4 - Art Work

Recycled Art Project

Year 5 designed and created their own recycled art project. They used a variety of materials to create a wonderful woodland scene. How many different creatures can you spot?
