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DT Learning in Action

Ducklings making, paper macheing, painting and adding passengers to their aeroplanes, ready for the, to fly off into the sky!

Barn Owls have been making coleslaw as part of our Food Technology unit on American Food.

Year 3 have been sewing their own puppets inspired by Victorian Punch and Judy puppets.

Year 6 had a lovely afternoon making the pizzas that they had designed this half term. They learned how to chop and prepare different toppings safely and hygienically.

Year 3 have been making lamps inspired by Tiffany lamp designs. We also made a circuit so we could make our lamps switch on and off.

Year 6 have been designing and sewing their own cross stitch patterns.

Making the Three Little Pigs. 


Ducklings have been reading the story of the Three Little Pigs and thinking about different materials and their properties. Using clay they carefully followed instructions and made their own little pigs. Then they made houses for their pigs to live in. They decorated their cardboard boxes with either straw sticks or bricks!

Year 1 making their Lighthouse keepers lunch for DT this week.

We design our own rainbow salads and then made them.


Year 2 making healthy fruit kababs, learning how to cut and slice correctly. They added a range of fruits to their kababs and enjoyed eating them,

Year 4 have been using their sewing skills to design and make bookmarks with an Egyptian theme. We tried to use a variety of stitches in our work.

Year 6 have been learning about cams and mechanisms. They designed and made their own toy, using a mechanism to make it move up and down.

Year 6 made their own fajitas. They used all of the skills that they had learned across the half term including peeling, slicing, grating, cutting and frying. They also thought about the texture and colours that they wanted to include in their final design.
